• #visual art
  • #theatre
  • #performance

Le jour où le Penseur de Rodin s'est transformé en gomme

01.30 > 2018.02.03

as part of the Festival LES SINGULIERS #2

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Articulating images and words with dexterity, aalliicceelleessccaannnnee & ssoonniiaaddeerrzzyyppoollsskkii explore serious and light subjects to detect a very specific logic. This time, a collection of pens, crayons and fantasy rubbers enables the duo to explain in an illustrated manner the hidden influence of China on the West, and bring the spectator to think differently on many a subject.

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  • tarif plein € 15
  • tarif réduit € 12
  • tarif abonné 104 € 10

box office : +33 (0)1 53 35 50 00

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